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Davidoff & Wright Named to City & State’s NYC Power 100 List

DHC's Davidoff & Wright Named to City & State’s 2022 NYC Power 100 List

February 28, 2022 – Sid Davidoff (Partner & Founder), Chair of the NYC Government Relations practice along with Keith L.T. Wright, (Director of Strategic Planning, Government Relations practice) were honored by City & State magazine’s as two of Manhattan’s most 100 powerful people for the second year in a row and featured in their NYC Power 100 list.

Starting his career at City Hall, Sid served as a top strategic advisor to Mayor John Lindsay for six years.  During his tenure, he negotiated and managed several crises including the takeover of Lincoln Hospital in the South Bronx by the Young Lords, the Hard Hat Riot that rocked the city following the Kent State Riots, along with the student takeover of Columbia University.

Although he left City Hall in 1972, he has remained active in all mayoral administrations up to the current day.  Appreciated by many for his immense knowledge and understanding of the city, and its political inner workings, he has been a go-to advisor for many individuals seeking public office and business professionals seeking to do business with the city and state.

Prior to joining DHC, Keith served as a NYS Assemblyman from Harlem (1993-2016) and prior to his public service, Keith held positions in New York City’s Human Resources Administration, the Manhattan Borough President’s Office, and the New York City Transit Authority.

Click here to view the list.


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