Terzulli in LIBN on Navigating Challenging Cannabis Landscape

May 13, 2024 – New York’s Marijuana Regulation and Taxation Act (MRTA), which became law in 2021, opened the market to opportunities for new businesses to legally market adult-use cannabis in a variety of forms.
As hundreds of new business applications flowed in for approval from Albany, it became clear that obtaining a license wasn’t as easy as filing a form and writing a check. Regulations were found to be so byzantine and cumbersome that it required the assistance of a skilled legal professional.
DHC senior counsel attorney Nicholas Terzulli, heads up our Cannabis Law Group and has helped businesses navigate this minefield of regulations. He spoke with Long Island Business News about the current state of the market.
“Obtaining an adult use cannabis retail license from the Office of Cannabis Management is akin to winning the lottery,” Terzulli says.
Read more in the full article here.