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Client Spotlight: Coalition for Ticket Fairness Conference

March 18, 2024 – Government Relations professionals and Lobbyists, Nicole L. Weingartner (NY State group) and Jake Roach (DC Federal group) speak at the fourth annual conference of the Coalition for Ticket Fairness (CTF) Conference in Florida, held March 5-8, 2024.

This year’s attendance was double the size of last year, with members traveling from across the country to attend the huge event.

The conference featured two panels, one that discussed the ongoing legislation around the country and another that discussed legislative updates; Nicole provided updates on developments on the state level and Jake covered updates from “The Hill” at the Federal level in Washington, D.C.

CTF will be traveling to London, (Great Britain) on May 13 to discuss legislation, followed by an event in Colorado in June, with California, New York, and Washington, D.C. also hosting events in the coming months of 2024.

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