Helen Keller National Center
Understand The Need
Helen Keller National Center (HNKC) has a long and exceptional history of providing much needed services to DeafBlind individuals that come to its facilities on Long Island.
They believed that in order to better meet their mandate they needed to expand their offerings – both programmatically and geographically.

Working with the U.S. Congress & U.S. Senate

Change was in the air
HKNC’s annual budget is set by Congress in the Annual Federal Appropriations Bill. For years, HKNC had been receiving the same sum of money from the federal government.
Measuring the Cost
In order to for HKNC to meet the needs of the growing DeafBlind, they need to expand their services around the country, which would require more funding from Congress.
“Achieving Outstanding Results Takes a Concerted Effort and DHC Teams have Gone Time and Again to "the Hill" for meetings with members of the house and senate to secure the needed funding that is so crucial to hKNC services.”
Steve Malito, Partner & NYS Government Relations Practice Chair
Developing a Plan

Making Connections
We developed and maintained relationships with chairs and ranking members on the House Appropriations Committee and Labor, Health & Human Services LHHS Subcommittee.
Building Momentum
With our constant advocacy, the NYS Assembly led the way and the NYS Senate soon followed.
Achieving The Goal
Using these relationships and working with HKNC to continually develop yearly roadmaps, remaining persistent in pursuing increased funding.