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Weingartner Receives AHRC Suffolk Appointment

Weingartner Receives AHRC Suffolk Appointment

April 26, 2023 – Nicole L. Weingartner, Director of State Government Affairs, was appointed to the Foundation Board of AHRC Suffolk, a not-for-profit organization which provides programs and services to children and adults with intellectual and other developmental disabilities throughout Suffolk County. Currently more than 2,500 people receive educational, vocational, residential, employment, and respite services through AHRC’s forty-two facilities.

Nicole focuses her practice around helping nonprofits and organizations understand how the NYS Legislature’s budget, policy, regulatory, and legislative processes work and how they can benefit from government affairs representation.

Nicole has been a leader within many organizations, currently serving as the Co-Chair of the Viscardi Advisory Board, a member of the Board of Directors of the Association for Fundraising Professionals’ Long Island chapter (AFPLI) and serving on the Women’s Steering Committee of the Association for a Better New York (ABNY) to name a few.

“We are pleased to welcome Nicole to the Foundation Board and are looking forward to our bright future together. As a leader in government relations, Nicole will bring immense value and insight to our Board as we strengthen the organization and our advocacy on behalf of the people we serve, their families and the incredible staff that support them.” 

AHRC Suffolk CEO – Paul Torres

“We are delighted to have Nicole onboard. Amazing things are yet to come and we can’t wait to see what is next with Nicole as an addition to our Foundation Board. Nicole brings a wealth of valuable knowledge and experience to our Board and we are excited to have her join us.”

AHRC Suffolk Foundation President – Christina Goerler

Weingartner Receives AHRC Suffolk Appointment

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