News Archive 2021 BK

DHC Newsletter – April 2021
April 29, 2021 – DHC’s Founding Partner and Chairman, Sid Davidoff spoke to Dominic Carter on WABC Radio about the 2021 primary season in New York City, discussing concerns surrounding Ranked Choice Voting and the issues the City’s new mayor will face as they take office. Davidoff noted that the economic recovery caused

CLIENT ALERT: NYC DOBs Construction Code Revisions
DHC’s Client Alert NYC DOBs Construction Code Revisions New York City Department of Buildings Announces New Construction Safety Legislation & Sweeping Construction Code Revisions April 22, 2021 — Today, the New York City Department of Buildings (DOB) announced five new construction safety bills and updates. The changes aim to continue

NADP Turns to DHC’s Barbara on Celebrity Client Breakups
NADP Turns to DHC’s Barbara on Celebrity Client Breakups April 20, 2021 — The National Association of Divorce Professionals turned to Chair of Davidoff Hutcher & Citron’s Divorce and Family Law practice, Leslie Barbara, to help lead a panel on the issue of representing the needs of high-profile, high-net-worth, and

Asir Explains Impacts on H-1B Visas for U.S. Employers
Asir Explains Impacts on H-1B Visas for U.S. Employers April 8, 2021 — DHC’s Immigration Of Counsel Joseph Asir shared his expertise in H-1B visas with Newsmax. Looking at the Biden Administration’s decision to lift the existing moratorium on H-1B visas, Asir said that many companies were “holding on” to see if Biden

Governor & Legislative Leaders Announce 2021-2022 State Budget Agreement
April 7, 2021 — The Governor and the Legislature agreed to the 2021-2022 State Budget yesterday afternoon. As of this update, the Senate has passed all the 2021-22 State Budget Bills, with the Assembly returning to session today to complete the passage process. The $212B package represents a jump in spending

New York Legalizes Recreational Marijuana
April 1, 2021 — Yesterday, Governor Andrew Cuomo signed the Marijuana Regulation and Taxation Act into law, immediately legalizing the possession of up to 3 ounces of marijuana for adults 21 and over and establishing a government agency that will regulate and license a retail industry that’s expected to raise hundreds