Outdoor Advertising Law Practice
Our Outdoor Advertising attorneys have represented many of the major outdoor advertising companies in New York since 1996, giving the firm an extensive understanding of the industry from a historical and contemporary perspective. To this day, we continue to provide services to the city’s major outdoor advertising companies such as Outfront Media (formerly CBS Outdoor and Van Wagner Communications), Lamar Advertising, Clear Channel Outdoor, and Interstate Outdoor.
DHC has five offices located in New York City, NY, Albany, NY, Washington, D.C., White Plains, NY and Palm Beach, FL.
Over the last two decades, the firm has been actively involved in three constitutional challenges, seeking to have provisions of the New York City Zoning Resolution declared unconstitutional. Our attorneys have represented outdoor advertising companies in all aspects of their business including acquisitions and divestitures, litigation, defense of enforcement efforts by the Department of Buildings, leasing, and interaction with city agencies in connection with regulatory activity.
The firm has represented the outdoor advertising industry through a period of significant technological advancement, as well as other factors that have led to consolidation and a new regulatory environment. Our reputation in this field among their clients as having integrity as well as the respect of city regulators and enforcers with whom they work on a regular basis.
Outdoor advertising brings into play many legal disciplines and our outdoor practice has a superior support system for our highly regarded Land Use and Government Affairs attorneys as well as the firm’s Bankruptcy, Real Estate, Litigation and Corporate departments.