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Davidoff Interviewed by Christian Science Monitor on Migrant Crisis

November 18, 2023 – Firm founder, Sid Davidoff, Chair of the Government Relations practice was featured in the Christian Science Monitor news story “How a Migrant Crisis Reshapes New York and Mayor Adams”.

The article addressed how the crisis at the nation’s open southern border and New York’s sanctuary city status was being overwhelmed with tens of thousands of migrants from around the world, arriving in Manhattan and needing beds, shelter, food, and human services.

City officials estimate that over 142,000 migrants have arrived in the metropolis in the past 18 months and with no signs of slowing down or stopping — the Mayor has been forced to re-assess his budget for 2024.

The reporter tapped into Sid’s knowledge of the inner workings of the city, which dates back to the beginning of his career when just out of law school he joined NYC Mayor John Lindsay’s administration and was forced to manage and resolve multiple crises during his tenure.

Missed the original article? Click here to read it now online.


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