CLIENT SPOTLIGHT: 7120 New Utrecht LLC Rezoning Approved

August 3, 2023 – Congratulations to Howard Weiss and Eli Gewirtz of the Land Use & Zoning Law practice for their efforts on behalf of our client, 7120 New Utrecht LLC, whose rezoning application at 7120 New Utrecht Avenue in the Bensonhurst neighborhood of Brooklyn was adopted today by the NYC Council.
Located at 7120 New Utrecht Avenue in the Bensonhurst neighborhood of Brooklyn Community District 11, the rezoning changed the zoning of our client’s property plus an additional parcel from a lower density R5/C2-2 residential district with a commercial overlay to a higher density C4-4L mixed use zoning district.
The rezoning more than tripled the allowable residential floor area permitted at the site, quadrupled the commercial floor area permitted at the site and more than doubled the allowable height.
The new zoning district will facilitate the development of an 8-story mixed use building at the Development Site containing approximately 88 dwelling units, 28 of which will be permanently affordable pursuant to MIH Program Option 2 and ground floor retail uses.
The rezoning not only will help revitalize a former bank site that has sat vacant for several years but will also create permanently affordable housing in a portion of Brooklyn which has been severely lacking in its supply of affordable housing.
The ground floor retail use will help reestablish retail continuity along this portion of New Utrecht Avenue which is integral to the economic vitality of this neighborhood.
The success of this rezoning, which began in November 2020, demonstrates DHC’s unique ability to take a project from its onset, navigate the complicated pre-certification and ULURP processes in NYC, and see it cross the finish line.