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Antenucci Featured in Crain's on the Push for a NYC Casino

DHC's Antenucci in Crain’s on the Push for a NYC Casino

December 5, 2022 – Nick Antenucci, Senior Counsel in the Albany, NY Government Relations group was interviewed for a Crain’s New York Business feature story “Real Estate Titans Are Lining Up for the City’s Golden Ticket: A Casino License”, which covered the push for a casino license in New York City.

The article claims that bidders are fighting for the right to open a casino downstate and it could possibly generate upwards of $2 billion in annual revenue.

It also appears that real estate titans are lining up for the city’s single casino license.

Nick Antenucci has been at the forefront of this emerging story and is seasoned in this legislative space.

Missed the original article? Click here to visit the Crain’s New York Business site.


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