March 19, 2020 – Good Morning – DHC will be sending out important updates most mornings and afternoons as we have new information for you.
The executive order came out overnight from Governor Cuomo requiring businesses to keep at least 50% of their workforce at home and is provided in the link below. You will note that he lines out specific entities, categories, and sectors as exempt. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us for further information and clarity.
Further, if any entity has a question regarding their status they are told to contact the ESDC for an opinion – here is that language (note the deadline to do so):
Any other business may be deemed essential after requesting an opinion from the Empire State Development Corporation, which shall review and grant such request, should it determine that it is in the best interest of the state to have the workforce continue at full capacity in order to properly respond to this disaster. No later than 5 p.m. on March 19, 2020, Empire State Development Corporation shall issue guidance as to which businesses are determined to be essential.
View the full order is provided below:
ESD has a link up for Businesses to send in inquiries: