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April 13, 2020 – Today, led by Governor Cuomo, the Governors of Connecticut, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Rhode Island held a press conference call.  The topic of the call was to discuss in unison a path forward toward reopening the economy.  All expressed the importance of taking a regional approach to reopening as the preferred option, as these states not only share borders, but transit and visitors as well.  From the call, it was clear, that the other Governors are grateful for the leadership and strength that Governor Cuomo has shown during these unprecedented times.

Further, they have created a multi-state working group, which will meet for the first time tomorrow to start the process of developing the plan.  Governor Cuomo indicated the group will be made up of each state’s top health and economic development officials as well as each Governor’s Chief of Staff.  The Governor believes such plan can be formulated within weeks and also suggested they are talking with Massachusetts.  As they go forward, they agreed to share resources and stress the importance that whatever the plan that is developed it will be done to ensure public health and safety and it will not be rushed until the timing is right.

Additionally, over the weekend, Governor Cuomo issued another Executive Order.  The Executive Order in its entirety can be found in the link below:

Of specific note the new Executive Order calls for the following:

  • (NYC Construction)   The New York City Department of Law shall issue no-action or no-filing letters received during the duration of this executive order within 45 days from submission of such no-action or no-filing application made to the department of law for essential projects involving affordable housing and homeless shelters. For each application granted by the department of law which permits the applicant to solicit public interest or public funds preliminary to the filing of an offering statement or for the issuance of a “no-filing required” letter. The New York City Department of Finance shall process and record condominium declarations for essential projects involving hospitals or health care facilities, affordable housing, and homeless shelters within 30 days of receipt of such filing.
  • (PPE Mandate for Essential Workers) For all essential businesses or entities, any employees who are present in the workplace shall be provided and shall wear face coverings when in direct contact with customers or members of the public. Businesses must provide, at their expense, such face coverings for their employees. This provision may be enforced by local governments or local law enforcement as if it were an order pursuant to section 12 or 12-b of the Public Health Law.  This requirement shall be effective Wednesday, April 15 at 8 p.m.
  • (Delay of Party Conventions until 6/1/20)  Any political party, political party authority or political party official, which, by virtue of any law has a caucus scheduled or otherwise required to take place in April or May of 2020, shall be postponed until June 1, 2020, without prejudice, however such caucus may continue if the caucus is able to be held remotely, through use of telephone conference, video conference, and/or other similar service, and provided that notice for any party caucus to be held remotely shall be deemed satisfied if such notice includes specific information on remote participation and has been filed with the clerk and board of elections at least five days preceding the day of the caucus and published either by newspaper publication thereof once within the village, or on the party ‘s website, or through electronic mail to any previous caucus participant for which the party has an electronic mail address.

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