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May 4, 2020 – Today, Governor Cuomo announced additional details on the gradual reopening of the State.  Once again, this will be a regional reopening, starting when the current NY Pause order expires on May 15, 2020.  The Governor has called for a 4-phased business approach toward reopening.

The 4-phases and business sectors included in each of those is as follows:

  • Phase 1:            Construction, Manufacturing, Wholesale Supply and Select Retail (Curbside Pickup)
  • Phase 2:         Professional Services, Finance and Insurance, Retail, Administrative Support,  and Real Estate/Rental Leasing
  • Phase 3:         Restaurants, Food Service, and Hotel Accommodations
  • Phase 4:         Sporting Venues, Arts, and Education

For a region to enter into these phased approaches and reopen, the State will mandate that CDC guidelines and other criteria are met such as:

  • A 14-day decline in hospitalizations and hospital deaths (or fewer than 15 new hospitalizations and five deaths in a three-day average).
  • New hospitalizations remain less than two per 100,000 residents on a three-day average.
  • Hospitals maintain 30 percent vacancy of their bed capacity for any resurgence, including intensive care units.
  • Monthly COVID-19 testing of at least 30 of every 1,000 residents in a region.
  • At least 30 “contact tracers” per 100,000 residents.
  • Hospitals in each region must have a 90-day stockpile of personal protective equipment.

The Governor has strongly suggested that regions and businesses begin working on reopening plans and protocols now, particularly in the area of testing and tracing availabilities.  Likewise, businesses will have to take steps to protect employees, ensure social distancing and provide personal protective equipment as necessary.  The Governor talked of the reopening plan and phased approach taking months to fully implement.

For reference, the Governor has broken the State down into the following regions:   Long Island, NYC, Mid-Hudson, Capital Region, Mohawk Valley, North Country, Central New York, South Tier, Finger Lakes, Western New York.

To that end, as your business, association, or entity begins the process of operating under the “new normal”, we are here to assist you and share your thoughts, proposals and protocols with the Government to ensure a timely, safe and approved transition when allowed to reopen.

As always, if you have any questions and/or would like to discuss further, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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