Coletti Moderates Discussion at the Public Projects Forum

Coletti Moderates Discussion at the Public Projects Forum June 19, 2024 – Louis J. Coletti, Senior Advisor in both the Government Relations and Construction Law practices, moderated a discussion with Alison Landry, Chief Operations & Infrastructure Officer and Chair of Mayor’s Adams Procurement Reform Task Force at the Commercial Observer’s well attended Public Projects Forum […]

Coletti Pens Daily News Op-Ed on M/WBE Construction Industry

Coletti Pens Daily News Op-Ed on M/WBE Construction Industry February 22, 2024 – Former President & CEO of the BTEA Building Trades Employers Association, Lou Coletti, now current Senior Adviser in the Construction Law and Government Relations practices pens a bold Op-Ed article for the New York Daily News “Build More Construction Jobs For Black […]

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