CLIENT SPOTLIGHT: 7120 New Utrecht Rezoning Approved

CLIENT SPOTLIGHT: 7120 New Utrecht LLC Rezoning Approved August 3, 2023 – Congratulations to Howard Weiss and Eli Gewirtz of the Land Use & Zoning Law practice for their efforts on behalf of our client, 7120 New Utrecht LLC, whose rezoning application at 7120 New Utrecht Avenue in the Bensonhurst neighborhood of Brooklyn was adopted today by the NYC Council. Located […]
CLIENT SOTLIGHT: NYC Council Backs Paperific Rezoning

CLIENT SPOTLIGHT: Paperific Rezoning Adopted by NYC Council June 6, 2023 – Congratulations to Land Use & Zoning Law practice Chair and Partner, Howard Weiss and his colleague, attorney Eli Gewirtz, AICP on the adoption of the Paperific Rezoning by the NYC Council. The rezoning will facilitate a five-story, 103,500 sq. ft. commercial building featuring […]
New Attorneys Join Davidoff Hutcher & Citron Law Firm

August 1, 2022 – Davidoff Hutcher & Citron LLP welcomes three new talented attorneys to several of its practice areas. Joining our Corporate Law practice is Federica Pantana, an Associate who specializes in securities and corporate law with a focus on corporate finance, including public and private offerings, and securities law compliance for public companies. […]