Rabij Serves on Ukrainian Statehood Panel at DC Conference

October 30, 2024 – Myron B. Rabij, Partner, Corporate & Securities Law practice, was asked to participate in a panel discussion for CUSUR (Center for United States and Ukrainian Relations) during their Ukraine’s Quest for Mature Nation Statehood Roundtable XXV: Remembering the Road Traveled & Divining the Road Ahead (Post War Recovery).
The conference took place in Washington, D.C. at the University Club on October 29, 2024.
Myron spoke to a packed audience on the ‘Road Traveled’ Panel Discussion II, which tackled the topic “How is Ukraine Faring in the Following Categories After Selecting the Western Vector: Deepening Economic Growth; Greater Energy Security; Greater General Security”.
Joining him on the panel were Glen Howard (Jamestown Foundation President/2007-2023), Anders Aslund (Chairman/Int’l. Advisory Council/Center for Social & Economic Research), Herman Pirchner (President/American Foreign Policy Council), Diane Francis (Editor at Large/National Post) and Stephen Blank (Senior Fellow/Foreign Policy Research Institute).