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Privacy Policy

Privacy Statement

Thank you for visiting Davidoff Hutcher & Citron LLP. Davidoff Hutcher & Citron LLP is committed to safeguarding the privacy of visitors to our website. Our website provides general information about the legal services that we offer and other general information and resources. In general, you are not required to provide any personal information in order to consult our website. The Privacy Policy set forth the conditions under which you may access and use the website and is designed to assist you in understanding how we collect and use the personal information you provide to us.


To ensure that our website is well managed and to facilitate improved navigation within the site, we or our service provider may use cookies to collect and aggregate data. We may use cookies to track information on our systems and to identify categories of visitors by items such as domain, IP address, browser type and pages visited. These cookies do not retrieve information about you and do not corrupt or damage your computer or computer files. You are not obligated to accept cookies that we send to you and you are able to modify your browser so that it will not accept cookies. We also track how users navigate through our website in order for us to evaluate and improve our website. We use this information to compile statistical data of our website but the information obtained is anonymous and you cannot be identified from it.

Email Information

We only collect email addresses if you choose to provide your email address in the contact form on our website. You may also choose to provide your email address by sending an email message to one of our attorneys or government relations professionals. If you provide us your email address, we may keep a record of the correspondence.

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