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Prabhakar Appointed to NYCBA Trusts & Estates and Surrogate's Court Committee

July 31, 2024 – Congratulations to Ashwani Prabhakar of the Trusts & Estates Law practice on being appointed to the New York City Bar Association‘s Trusts, Estates and Surrogate’s Court Committee.

This small but powerful committee addresses issues with estate planning, trust law and practice, and the operation of Surrogate Courts.

The Committee also actively participates in the Judiciary Committee’s evaluation of candidates for Surrogate.

The Committee also addresses topics including the ability of a trustee to pay over the principal of a trust to a new trust (decanting), the operation of formulaic provisions in dispositive documents in light of federal estate tax changes, a surviving spouse’s waiver of the right of election, and other estate and trust law issues resulting from the interplay of New York law with recent federal law changes.

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