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October 5, 2022 – Ashwani Prabhakar, a litigator in our Trusts & Estates law practice recently spoke with Wealth on their story regarding the late Anne Heche’s estate battle.

The suit filed by the late actress’s son, Homer Laffoon, accuses Anne Heche’s ex-partner, James Tupper of interfering with his attempt to communicate with his half-brother Atlas Tupper and disputes the validity of a 2011 email that named Tupper as administrator of her estate.

Ashwani agreed with Laffoon’s argument and shared that the statute (California Probate Code Section 6111) permitting holographic wills’ primary purpose of preventing fraud is defeated if the email is admitted as a will using the holographic statute.

Want to read more of Ashwani’s fascinating observations? Click here to read now.

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