Weiss on NYC DOB Restrictions on New Work Permits & Violations

March 4, 2021 — Howard S. Weiss, Chair of the Land Use and Zoning Law practice group has cautioned the firm’s clients that beginning March 4, 2021, the New York City Department of Buildings imposed new restrictions on obtaining permits for buildings with high ratios of hazardous violations issued by DOB and HPD.
The Department of Buildings will deny applications for initial work permits for multiple dwellings on a list of buildings with open hazardous Housing Maintenance Code violations and/or open hazardous or major Construction Code violations involving residential units.
These new restrictions apply if the violations were issued on or after January 4, 2020, which is the effective date of the Local Law mandating the restrictions. Buildings placed on the list will be prevented from obtaining new permits until the violations are resolved and the conditions are corrected, except in situations where permits are necessary to correct a violation or in other select circumstances.
For more information or assistance, place contact Howard Weiss at hsw@dhclegal.com or Eugene Pilman at emp@dhclegal.com.