News Archive 2021 BK

Malito Explains NYS Marijuana Legalization
Malito Explains NYS Marijuana Legislation March 31, 2021 —Steve Malito, attorney, Partner and Chair of Davidoff Hutcher & Citron’s Cannabis and its New York State Government Relations practice group spoke to the Times Union about the Marijuana Regulation and Taxation Act, which made New York the 16th state to legalize recreational marijuana.

DHC Newsletter – March 2021
March 30, 2021 – DHC’s Founding Partner Sid Davidoff shared his experience with New York Daily News and The Forward, discussing how New York City’s first primary season using Ranked Choice Voting will affect the race for mayor and the power of voting blocs. Davidoff noted that Ranked Choice Voting has caused confusion for voters and this

DHC’s Citron on Don’t Let Divorce Drain Retirement Funds
DHC’s Citron on Don’t Let Divorce Drain Retirement Funds March 26, 2021 — Adam Citron, a matrimonial attorney and Partner in Davidoff Hutcher & Citron’s Divorce and Family Law practice shared his advice with The Penny Hoarder on how to avoid having your divorce eat up all of your retirement savings.

Barbara Talks to Yahoo Finance on J-Lo’s Business Divorce
DHC’s Barbara Talks to Yahoo Finance on J-Lo’s Business Divorce March 21, 2021 — Attorney Leslie Barbara, Chair of Davidoff Hutcher & Citron’s Divorce and Family Law practice, spoke with Yahoo Finance about the rumored split between Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez and the effect it could have on their

Sid Davidoff Debates Ranked Choice Voting on 770 WABC Radio
March 19, 2021 — Sid Davidoff, Davidoff Hutcher & Citron’s Founding Partner, and Government Relations practice Chair, squared off with Sean Dugar, Education Campaign Program Director of Rank the Vote NYC, in a significant long-form radio debate on the merits of Ranked Choice Voting. While advocates for Ranked Choice Voting spotlight

Barbara on Tips for Surviving & Thriving During & After Divorce
DHC’s Barbara on Tips for Surviving & Thriving During & After Divorce March 18, 2021 — Authority Magazine profiled Leslie Barbara, Chair of Davidoff Hutcher & Citron’s Divorce and Family law practice, spotlighting her insights on how divorcees can positively navigate all aspects of divorce to increase emotional survive and thrive mindset