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February 12, 2021 — D.C. Update:

More than $50 billion funding would be allocated to New York as part of President Biden’s $1.9 trillion coronavirus rescue package that is being worked on in the House. Based on reports from House committees, highlights of the funding levels include the following:

  • $12.6 billion in New York State coronavirus recovery funding
  • $10.64 billion for local governments
  • $12.3 billion for the state’s schools
  • $8.8 billion for New York City transit system
  • $418 million for New York airports
  • $483 million for small businesses
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi notified New York’s Democratic delegation of the package in a letter and stated that she believed the bill would pass by the end of February as Congress uses the budget reconciliation process to approve the legislation without Republican support.
Below, please find a breakdown of the State and Local Aid funding estimates
New York State                $12.665 billion

Local Governments       $10.616 billion

City Level 
New York City                     $3.989 billion

County Level
Bronx County                    $278 million
Kings County                     $501 million
New York County             $319 million
Queens County                 $441 million
Richmond County           $93 million
Nassau County                 $277 million
Suffolk County                 $289 million
Westchester County       $189 million

DHC’s Federal, State, and City government relations groups are working on all aspects of the relief package, including funding allocations and disbursements.

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