Cannabis Control Board Approves CAURD Licenses

The historic decision to approve the first round of CAURD licenses will go to 28 for business owners with a cannabis conviction (or a family member with a cannabis conviction) as well as eight approved for nonprofit organizations. The NYS OCM shared that there will be a 60-day comment period before these Regulations will be voted on again and finalized. Malito added that “we applaud the NYS Office of Cannabis Management for their hard work and getting licensing rolling in 2023″.
- To read the Proposed Resolution issuing certain conditional Adult-Use retail dispensary licenses, click here.
- To read the Cannabis Control Board Regulations and Permits for Packaging, Labeling, Marketing, Laboratories, Conditional Cultivators and Processors, click here.
The NYSCCB also approved Adult-Use program regulations that establish rules for a safer, equitable, consumer-driven market focused on small business. Regulations advance to 60-day public comment period. If you have any questions about these proposed regulations or how to submit comment to the CCB, please email the DHC Cannabis Practice Chair, Steve Malito at