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Elder Law

Elder Law Practice

Our Elder Law and Special Needs Law attorneys work with clients as they age, clients with disabilities, and families who are trying to help loved ones deal with declining health and abilities. Using a holistic approach, we address estate planning issues, as well as counseling clients about planning for asset protection, and possible long-term care needs, including nursing homes.

DHC has five offices located in New York City, NY, Albany, NY, Washington, D.C.White Plains, NY and Palm Beach, FL.

Our attorneys are seasoned and work closely with families who may need Special Needs Trusts, estate planning and administration (wills, trust, probate and administration of estates where there are no wills). A Special Needs Trust allows the disabled person to use funds for an enhanced life without affecting governmental benefits such as Medicaid.

We can assist where family members have not planned in advance with powers of attorney and health care proxies, or where one family member is taking advantage of an elderly or disabled family member by asking the court to intervene by the appointment of a legal guardian.

Medicaid is an important tool in protecting one’s assets. At Davidoff Hutcher & Citron, we have the breadth of knowledge and the experience to counsel clients on appropriate asset protection devices through the use of trusts and other authorized Medicaid allowed transfers.

We take the time to learn about our clients and their families before recommending any course of action. We are knowledgeable about the legal resources available to assist clients in developing the necessary strategies to obtain their goals.

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