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Hutcher in Vanity Fair on MSG Facial Recognition Controversy

Hutcher in Vanity Fair on MSG Facial Recognition Controversy

February 10, 2023 – Co-Managing Partner and Commercial Litigation law practice Chair, Larry Hutcher was featured in the Vanity Fair article “‘He Is Known for Being Petty’: James Dolan’s Madison Square Garden Saga is Getting Messier by the Minute” as he, and his fellow attorneys, remain barred from sporting events at the Garden for representing clients in litigation against MSG Entertainment and its owner James Dolan.

As a longtime fan of the New York Knicks, Hutcher said he was aware of Dolan’s confrontational reputation before bringing litigation against him. However, the fact that Dolan targeted the attorneys with his controversial use of facial recognition software, as opposed to the clients suing, made it clear to Hutcher that the practice was to deter other lawyers from taking clients wishing to bring further litigation against him.

While Hutcher sought, and won, a temporary injunction against MSG’s practices based on a New York civil rights act from 1940, that law only extends to entertainment and musical events, not sporting events. DHC continues to argue for sporting event inclusion and local elected officials like State Senator Brad Hoylman-Sigal and Attorney General Letitia James have launched their own efforts in pursuit of that result.

To read the full article, click here.

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