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DHC Welcomes Two Prominent Government Affairs Pros

DHC Welcomes Two Prominent Government Affairs Pros

August 19, 2021 – Davidoff Hutcher & Citron recently welcomed Nicholas Terzulli and Austin Shafran to the firm. News of their hiring was reported in City & State First Read.

Nicholas Terzulli serves as Senior Counsel in DHC’s Corporate Law, Real Estate Law and Cannabis Practice Groups, tapping into more than a decade of experience at the nexus of business, government and law. Terzulli has helped structure and close numerous real estate projects throughout New York State, as well as guide thousands of small businesses and non-profit organizations as they accessed essential tax benefits, incentives, and exemptions.

Austin Shafran is DHC’s new Government Relations Specialist, bringing with him 15 years of experience at the highest levels of local, state, and federal government, as well as managing one of the top-rated public affairs consulting firms in New York.

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