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August 15, 2022 – Government Relations and Administrative Law Partners; Arthur Goldstein and Sean Crowley along with Phillip Grant, CEO/Hunts Point Produce Market (HPPM) among others, recently hosted US Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for tours and meaningful discussions at HPPM on its significance in supplying produce to much of the Eastern seaboard.

Our committed government officials also took the time to meet with Produce business owners, union officials, workers and EDC who expressed their concerns of the Market’s need for a major rebuild and the Federal government is key that goal.

DHC hosts US Senator Chuck Schumer and US Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez at Hunts Point Produce Market tour.

The Hunts Point Produce Market boasts a 1 million square foot facility, spread across a sprawling 113 acres.

The Market has played an essential role in the nation’s food supply infrastructure since 1790.

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