CLIENT SPOTLIGHT: Hunts Point Produce Market Food Giveaway

November 24, 2022 – CLIENT SPOTLIGHT: Hunts Point Produce Market (HPPM)
DHC Partner Arthur Goldstein, Chair of the NYC Government Relations practice was asked to coordinate on behalf of Hunts Point Produce Market (HPPM) a five-borough Thanksgiving Food giveaway for the third consecutive year.
In total, 500 bags of produce, enough for a family of five, were given away in each borough to 2,500 in-need families throughout the city. For the Bronx Giveaway, we learned that Councilmember Salamanca wanted to match 500 bags of produce with 500 turkeys, but needed an additional 300.
That’s when other DHC clients stepped in and filled the quota donating 300 turkeys, including Berger & Berger Real Estate Corp., Master Plumbers Council, New Fulton Fish Market, and Simone Development.
Our thanks also to all the volunteers for their cheerful giving spirits and for braving the cold temperatures to help their neighbors. Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!