Citron on Value of Prenups and Signing Ahead of Nuptials

April 12, 2023 – Adam D. Citron, DHC Divorce and Family Law Partner, was featured in the Marketplace article “With wedding season looming, ‘prenup season’ is upon us” for his opinion on the value of and reasons behind couples opting to sign a prenup ahead of their nuptials.
Noting that prenups have become more common in recent years, Citron believes that couples waiting until they are older to get married, and the increase in divorce and re-marriage, are the root causes. Spring is “prenup season” ahead of the summer wedding season, and Citron encourages his clients to iron out prenuptial agreements as early into their engagement as possible.
Citron recommends that each spouse retain their own representation in prenuptial negotiations. Differentiating between premarital and marital property is an important aspect of prenups, ranging from real estate to pets, with specific clauses for each.
Prenups serve a vital role in the efficiency of divorce, as Citron argues it’s much easier to negotiate an agreement prior to potentially contentious proceedings. Additionally, issues that could stall a divorce, like the sale of a marital home, are avoided with a prenup.
To read the full article, click here.